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Corelcad studentenversion

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"To Maria Mercurial, I leave my collection of vintage jazz and blues albums. In 2057, she received this bequest from Dunkelzahn's Will: In 2050, after a bizarre series of events where she was slated to switch to Max Foley, she and Armando Hernandez were married in a simple ceremony. She was picked up by a music promoter named Armando Hernandez, who rescued her from the Barrens, cleaned up her act, and promoted her on the rocker circuit. She rebelled and killed Texamachach in 2045 during a trip to Seattle, and then escaped to the Barrens, working as a prostitute to supply her chip habit. She was the bodyguard, secretary, and mistress to Reynaldo Texamachach, a senior exec at Aztechnology who had state of the art cyberware installed into her body and addicted her to BTL chips to control her. She was in her mid-20s in the year 2050, which would place her birth date around 2025 to 2030.

#Corelcad studentenversion skin

She is noted to have silver skin (the result of custom dermal sheathing), and speaks fluent English and Aztlaner. She typically performs solo, although she has been known to join gatherings of other musicians and play in jam sessions with such luminaries as Warren Cartwright of Concrete Dreams. Her talents include singing, playing synth, and acoustic guitar. Her other album (presumably the one with " Who Weeps For The Children" and " Take It To Mister" released as a set) is called " Night Tears". In 2049, she released " Puta" and became a novahot rocker star, the stuff of music legends. Maria Mercurial is a rocker star who became famous for her hit song "Who Weeps For The Children" in 2048, which became the number one single on the charts for two months and followed by her next hit song " Take It To Mister". Możesz pomóc Shadowrun Polska tłumacząc go.

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Ten artykuł nie jest przetłumaczony na język polski.

Corelcad studentenversion